Lightning Talks 2024

Donkey Kong
Saturday 20 July, 13:00 - 13:45

I am to bring back the fun session of Lightning Talks, where each speaker has a very short time frame to present something fun and educational. The session will be accompanied by intro videos for each speaker and we will have a small give away for the audience during the session. Ideally this should be place before the ending ceremony and the goal is to help everyone relax and smile after days of intense technical sessions, while still, learning stuff !

# Speakers

- Houzair Koussa - "Easter eggs in tech"
- Alexandre Bissessur - "Reviving old tech with the Pi Pico"
- Abdallah Yashir Ramsing - AI Innovations in Video Editing: Beyond Imagination
- Jain Ramchurn - "10 bash tricks in 5 minutes"
- Dereck - "The git diffing algorithm"
- Chervine Bhiwoo - "Death by SMS"
- Sandeep Ramgolam - "Learn by building"
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