Communication & Exchange with others


The Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community (MSCC) is proud to be a vibrant and diverse gathering of technology enthusiasts, professionals, and learners. Our mission is to foster a culture of collaboration, learning, and innovation in the Mauritian tech scene. Here, you'll find information about the various active communities and user groups that make up our dynamic ecosystem.

Google Developers Group Mauritius

The GDG Mauritius is a local community-ran meetup for developers interested in resources and technology from Google Developers.

The MSCC has an annual event called the Developers Conference which is free of charge community-driven, IT tech conference hosted annually in Mauritius. Since 2016 there is an extra venue at the Flying Dodo.

GDGs are local groups of developers who are specifically interested in Google products and APIs. Each local group is called a GDG chapter and can host a variety of technical activities for developers - from just a few people getting together to watch our latest videos, to large gatherings with demos and tech talks, to hackathons.

Disclaimer: GDG Mauritius is an independent user group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation.

openSUSE Mauritius

A small club of openSUSE & SLE users/enthusiasts on the island. We manage the Linux mirrors in Mauritius for a few popular distros. Meet us at DevCon 2024 to know more about our activities.

.NET User Group Mauritius

We are a group organising community-driven activities dedicated to promoting technology and learning among professionals and students. Our mission is to create an environment where technology enthusiasts can discover new innovations, learn from the industry experts and connect with peers who share a passion for technology.

Our preferred medium for learning is Microsoft technologies encompassing .NET, Microsoft Azure, Power Platform and more, but in the spirit of being technology agnostic, everyone is welcome to join the experience!

Python Mauritius Usergroup

The Python Mauritius User Group (pymug) is the local Python user group of Mauritius.
Our aim is to provide opportunities to everybody to upskill their level of Python and to ease industry-adoption of Python-related technologies.
Read a nice overview of the User Group on the MSCC blog.
To sum it up, we care about Python education.

The Pymug organises year-round events, topic days, meetups, from scratch sessions as well as university topic coverage.
Have a look at our 2019 or 2020 end of year reports. Looking forward to meet you 🪼.

Meet us at the following DevCon sessions:
Friday, 19 July
13:00 — Celery Served Fresh: A Deep Dive into Asynchronous Task Processing with Python Celery, by Kherin Bundhoo
14:00 — Web scraping 101 with Python, by Sid Reetooraj
15:00 — Introduction to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Python, by Dominique Theodore

Front-End Coders Mauritius

A community around frontend, tech, and development in general based in Mauritius. We organize monthly meetups free for anyone interested to attend, contribute and speak at. Our mission is to improve the interest and consideration for the front-end developer role on the island and beyond.

Upcoming Workshop at DevCon2024:

Date & Time — Friday morning, 09:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Location — PACMAN room
Topic — Building a Nuxt 3 + TailwindCSS web application to monitor power outages in Mauritius.
Details & RSVP — Workshop Information
Description — A hands-on workshop where participants will build a web app to monitor power outages in Mauritius using Nuxt 3 and TailwindCSS. Attendees can bring their laptops to code along or simply enjoy the session.

Recommended for workshop:

Bring your own device (laptop)
A GitHub account
Google Chrome installed

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